Missions and Outreach have been the heartbeat at the Met since 1931. We are passionate about serving and reaching people both locally and globally with the love of Christ. 

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As followers of Christ, we are all called to be His ambassadors to a world in need of a Saviour. As a part of the local church in Ottawa, we have the opportunity to be Jesus’ hands and feet to our community in the Nation’s Capital. City Outreach is a key part of what we do at The Met. It is our heartbeat and our deep desire to love Ottawa intentionally with the love of Christ.

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We partner with individuals, families, and organizations engaged in a variety of kingdom work around the world. Partnership extends far beyond finances, and includes regularly praying for our missionaries and encouraging them through conversations, emails, or letters. You can engage with our partners and discover more about the exciting things God is doing here at home and around the world.

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